
The best ever episode of Four in a Bed 

She played her cards last and with great skill.

Four couples compete to see who has the best value for money B&B.
Having been treated fairly by everyone else the couple had an apparently unbeatable 100% final score. Just to be sure of victory they had been supercritical of the other contestants delivering harsh verdicts to justify underpayments. But it was the way they spoke about their guests/other competitors which revealed a rather unpleasant unprofessional side to their  personalities. The last couple received a small underpayment meaning they couldn’t get 100% The mean couple adopted a victory smile, even if the last person payed in full their 100% was unbeatable. But unfortunately for them the last person to reveal their payment was the very person they had judged most harshly, the inoffensive and very generous spirited older woman. She might have been tempted to underpay her harsh critics in retaliation for their mean scores but no she paid in full saying the price represented good value for money. Game over. But no there was one more brilliant twist. She made a £52 over payment to the last couple saying how much she had enjoyed her stay. An over payment that ensure the couple scored over 100% and therefore won. The devious two complained to camera afterwards that such an over payment was ,”ridiculous “. They knew they had been stitched up  by a smiling assassin and there was nothing they could do about it.


Blair Mcpherson former director author and blogger 

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