
My AI doesn’t understand me.

Communication with any AI can led to misunderstandings because AI’s are very literal and struggle to recognise sarcasm. Best not to use idioms or euphemisms either. 

Having Cold feet means having doubts not I need to put my woolly socks on . Pull your socks up means try harder not smarten up your appearance. If some one is under the weather it means they are ill not that they are concerned about about reports of heavy rain. If some one says they are just pulling your leg it’s not like suggesting you shake hands it means they are making fun of you.

So when the CE announces that he isn’t going to beat around the bush but that he has heard some people think the grass is greener somewhere else. He personally finds that difficult to get his head round. In his view that would be jumping from the frying pan into the fire. If people do decide to leave well he would remind them that there are plenty more fish in the sea. Any way he belies we can cross that bridge when we come across it. 

It is of course true that we bit off more than we could chew and only got through by the skin of our teeth. But now is not the time to cry over spilt milk.  Whilst he certainly wouldn’t want to count are chickens before they are hatch the position is looking far more positive. The systems upgrade has cost an arm and a leg but we defiantly haven’t missed the boat despite the delays. I think some people think these changes can be done at the drop of a hat ,they can’t. The improvements will however kill two birds with one stone. So please tell your colleague things will get better, you heard it from the horses mouth. Perhaps in view of past experience we should all remember it isn’t over till the fat lady sings. 

Blair Mcpherson former Director author and blogger 

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