
Sod 70! The Guide to Living Well

One of the UK’s leading public health experts Sir Muir Gray explains how the steps you take in late middle age can help you to live a longer and healthier old age. Gray says many problems suffered by older people are caused by a lack of fitness, by preventable diseases and by the wrong approach to life. He argues that by keeping fit and by keeping the brain active, you have a greater chance of living a rewarding and active life into your 90s.

Gray is a consultant in public health, working for the Oxford University Hospitals and nationally. He was knighted for developing all the health screening programmes and for his work as the first chief knowledge officer of the NHS, in which he pioneered the NHS Choices website (which now receives 40 million hits a month).  He is also the director of Better Value Healthcare Ltd, based in Oxford, which has developed a radical new way of running health services.

Synopsis of Sod 70! The guide to living well

Keep fit, keep the brain going, and with a spot of good fortune you can be living a fulfilling, active life into your nineties and beyond. This book - part exercise book, part manifesto for a happier, healthier life - tells you how. Many of us approach our seventies with an unhelpful stereotype lodged in our brains. The stooped figures on the road sign imply that ageing inevitably causes problems but many of these can be postponed or prevented because they are caused not by ageing, but by loss of fitness, preventable disease and the wrong attitude. Shake off the stereotypes and empower yourself. Embrace seventy, and make the most of it by following the simple resolutions created for you in this book, packed with ideas to help you get fit and healthy, in body and mind. This book tells you how to Sod Seventy! - and live life to the full! Keep fit, keep your brain active, and with a spot of good fortune you can be living a rewarding, active life into your eighties, nineties and beyond. Part exercise book, part manifesto for a happier, healthier life - this book will show you how. From the art of body maintenance to the importance of choosing healthcare wisely, Sod Seventy! is the practical and uplifting approach to living longer and better. The perfect gift for friends or relatives nearing seventy, or a present to yourself! 

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