
Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) Champions Roadshow

The Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) is an integral part of the Better Care Fund, with £394 million allocated to the Grant; encouraging areas to think strategically about the use of home adaptations and technologies to support people to live independently at home, and to take a joined-up approach to improving outcomes across health, social care and housing.

Over the last 25 years DFGs have helped over 40,000 people per year to live in more accessible housing. Last year’s Spending Review includes over £500 million by 2019-20 for the Disabled Facilities Grant, which will fund around 85,000 home adaptations that year. This is expected to prevent 8,500 people from needing to go into a care home in 2019-20.

Each local authority area has DFG Champions who are committed to securing the best outcomes for older and disabled people in their area. They could be managers, caseworkers, technical officers, occupational therapists, grants officers, builders, manufacturers, etc. Feedback from DFG Champions suggest that the DFG process can be overly complicated, so Foundations will be holding a free DFG Champions Roadshow to connect like-minded people to find solutions to improve the process.

Dates and locations

  • 12 October, Sunderland

  • 14 October, Derby

  • 17 October, Liverpool

  • 20 October, London

To book your free place and to view the event agendas visit the Foundations website.

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