
Get involved in the next Silver Sunday - 1st October 2017 - Silver Sunday is an annual day of fun and free activities for older people across the UK

Silver Sunday is an annual day of fun and free activities for older people across the UK. Led by The Sir Simon Milton Foundation, it celebrates the value and knowledge they contribute to our communities while combating loneliness and isolation. Everyone can get involved, whether that’s organising an event, spreading the word, or simply attending an activity. The next Silver Sunday is on 1 October 2017.

Silver Sunday was launched in 2012 by The Sir Simon Milton Foundation and Westminster City Councillor Christabel Flight, after a report discovered more than a third of people over 75 said they were lonely. The aim then was to celebrate older residents, recognise their contribution to their communities and help them get out and about to meet new people.

Silver Sunday, Celebrating Older People: organise an event or find an event.

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