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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - May

Event 3 ("grand finale") workshop materials

Richard Crawley, modified 4 Years ago.

Event 3 ("grand finale") workshop materials

Expert Posts: 254 Join Date: 07/12/11 Recent Posts

At the grand finale we spent most of the day looking at real (draft) action plans. It doesn't feel appropriate to publish them here, so instead here are some of the other presentations used during the day. 

Workshop 3 wrapup - contains some good / bad pointers and some ideas of ways to make the whole process less onerous

Enfield - focuses on governance and oversight as well as some of the biggest schemes

Isle of Wight - what they learned from working with PAS on their action plan

Tandridge - the perspective of a green belt authority

East Suffolk - from a new LPA formed from two similar but different LPAs