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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - May

Housing supply and army barracks

Richard Crawley, modified 4 Years ago.

Housing supply and army barracks

Expert Posts: 254 Join Date: 07/12/11 Recent Posts

Hello - I've been asked a question about services accommodation. It is making a faint bell go off in my head but I can't remember what (if anything) I know about this. Can anyone else help?


"I just wanted to check if you had a view or were aware of how army barracks are being, if at all, or if they can be, included within the supply of housing. To my mind, they are communal housing very similar to purpose built student accommodation or C2 for the elderly and should be counted in the same way. I am unsure on how soldiers are counted in population projects currently but I note there is no consideration of barracks within the PPGs. I think all the army homes in the general housing areas are counted but the specific units for lower tier soldiers (single rooms with shared amenities – lots of them) have not been counted."


My initial thought is that new supply of barracks does not meet local need for housing, and so is just not relevant. Anyone else have a more informed view?

thanks Richard

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