Lessons from Carillion collapse3: managing with failing contractors webinar

Events - Public

Starting 30 May 2019 - 12:30 through to 30 May 2019 - 13:30

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Lessons learnt from the Carillion collapse part 3: managing projects with failing contractors webinar


The Carillion collapse in early 2018 seemingly took many by surprise as they were ‘too big to fail’. This webinar is the third in the series and looks at what to do when, despite the due diligence you have undertaken, your contractors start(s) to fail financially in the middle of the project.

Using two recently completed projects as examples, Alastair will look at:

-common reasons for failure mid-project,
-early warning signs, and
-what can be done to best manage the situation, should a provider start to fall down the slippery and accelerating slope into insolvency.


By the end of the webinar you will have an understanding of why, how, and when these situations occur. Also, how a combination of both good contract and project management can help you navigate your way through the storm to achieve the best outcome possible.

This webinar will cover:
-underlying causes of failure
-early warning signs
-when and how to intervene
-key issues you may need to work through
​​​​​​​-final Q&A’s


This is the third of three planned webinars on provider insolvency.


For more information and to book please visit the APM webinar event page.


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