LG Inform Plus online training - Natural Neighbourhoods

Events - Public

Starting 15 May 2019 - 11:00 through to 15 May 2019 - 12:00

Created by

The Natural Neighbourhoods helps anyone create new types of area based on standard geographies – Ward’s, MSOA’s, LSOA’s, Output areas, etc. – to view existing data in new ways and to publish these new areas as open data. Once published, these custom areas can be used to view statistical data from LG Inform Plus in reports and other APIs.

One of our trusted data analyst will happily help broaden your understanding of the system and answer all of your questions in this 30 minute, bitesize training session from the comfort of your own desk.

You will be sent a phone number so you can join a conference call and a URL so you will be able to see our computer screen, then in the session we will work through various sections of the site to show you how it works.

Please visit the LG Inform website to stay up to date with all of our current and up and coming online training sessions.

If you are interested in attending this session please email lginform@local.gov.uk 
