A story of Crime & Justice: how to engage effectively with the media

Events - Public

Starting 09 Jul 2020 - 16:00 through to 09 Jul 2020 - 17:00

Created by


Penelope Gibbs │ Director │Transform Justice


Philippa Budgen │ Independent Consultant


The media landscape is constantly changing. However the narratives in the media typically hinge around ‘soft’ and ‘tough’ justice.

In this free online seminar Kieran McCartan, Professor of Criminology will be in conversation with Penelope Gibbs of Transform Justice and former BBC journalist Philippa Budgen about how the public conversation around crime and justice can be reframed and more nuanced

  Transform Justice recently published ground-breaking research which showed the need for charities, academics and campaigners to use different language and techniques to inspire more nuanced attitudes about responses to crime.

Philippa Budgen, a journalist for 15 years, now independent consultant, is working with social justice charities, lawyers and NGOs to help raise media and public awareness of often demonised and polarised issues and people.  She will offer practical advice about what works and what doesn’t work in dealing with the media

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