Faith and Belief in Partnership: Effective Collaboration with LG

Events - Public

Starting 30 Nov 2012 - 10:00 through to 30 Nov 2012 - 17:01

The hotseat event marks the launch of a newly published, Local Government Association funded research report undertaken by Dr Rachael Chapman (Northumbria University) on effective partnership and engagement between local authorities and faith & belief groups. Copies of the executive summary and full report can be found on the LGA’s website:

Rachael will be leading the hotseat event to answer questions and participate in online discussions and debates on this topic. She will be joined by a panel of experts from local government and faith based organisations, who will offer a range of insights, experiences and lessons of effective partnership and engagement. Confirmed panel members so far include:

  • Julie Pal, Strategic Policy Adviser, Barnet London Borough Council
  • Jenny Kartupelis MBE, Director of the East of England Faiths Council
  • Jim Robertson, North East Churches Regional Commission


The event is likely to be of particular interest to local government officers and elected members, policy-makers, faith and belief communities, voluntary and community sector organisations, academics and researchers.
