Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) Review

Events - Public

Starting 05 Apr 2013 - 11:00 through to 05 Apr 2013 - 13:01

The Government Equalities Office (GEO) has announced its intention to carry out a review of the PSED by June 2013. The DH has agreed to work directly with the GEO to collect this evidence and to influence future Public Sector Equality Duty policy and legislation. This work will be of national significance and will be project managed by NHS Employers on behalf of the Department of Health. 

NHS Employers intends to gather and evaluate evidence and information (including best practice) from organisations across the NHS. The NHS has lots of evidence and experience to contribute to the review (for example the work related to the implementation of the Equality Delivery System and the review of the NHS Constitution).

Using its specific expertise and knowledge in equalities, NHS Employers wants to gather and evaluate evidence and information (including best practice) from organisations across the NHS – using the range of networks and forums at its disposal. NHS Employers would like to invite NHS and local government colleagues to attend these sessions, which will be held at the following times:

 Friday 5th April - 10:00 to 12:00

You can book on to your preferred session by following this link and completing a simple form:

If you have any further queries, then please contact Carl Harrison on 0113 306 3061or at


