New Voices and Civic Technology: Open Government for All? London Dialogue

Events - Public

Starting 02 Dec 2013 - 18:30 through to 02 Dec 2013 - 21:01

Created by
Steven Clift - Inactive

Full details/RSVP:


New Voices and Civic Technology: A Micro-Unconference


Join global civic technology leader Steven Clift for a dynamic evening exploration of challenges and solutions to reach new and more representative voices through open government and civic technology.

The stakes are high - will open government and civic technology ironically lead to greater concentration of power among fewer, often similar voices engaged in off-putting ideological conflict or will more accessible and inclusive democracy and community engagement online lead to better government decisions, stronger communities and more problem-solving in society? Find out what the numbers say.

Clift will highlight myth-busting research from the Pew Internet and American Life project and share unique highlights from E-Democracy's Knight Foundation-funded initiative to foster local neighbourhood engagement online that builds bridges across income, race, and native-born and immigrant communities.

We will break into small group discussions and reporting back with ideas and action steps.


Somerset House

Hosted by in collaboration with Lobbi in Seamen's Hall at Somerset House.


The event will leverage content from roundtable discussions hosted in Washington DC at the Sunlight Foundation and San Francisco at Code for America on the Pew Internet and American Life Project’s report on Civic Engagement in the Digital Age and Clift’s inclusion analysis.


Online Civic Communicators


Those with Pew-like UK numbers on the mass and socio-economic use of digital tools for civic engagement are encouraged to share their research  so it may be highlighted.




Wordle from CityCampMN

Word cloud from recent CityCampMN introductions
