Small Change - stories of neighbourhood liveability

Events - Public

Starting 05 Nov 2013 - 14:00 through to 05 Nov 2013 - 17:02

CPRE London hosted a workshop on 5th Nov, in partnership with Glass-House, to consult with London community and neighbourhood actors, as part of our Campaign for a Liveable London. The campaign is seeking people-centered solutions to address London's housing challenge.


Kelvin Campbell (Smart Urbanism)

Mike Saunders (Commonplace)

The workshop examined what ‘small change’ might look like for local neighbourhoods. It unearthed stories about how Londoners are making their lives more liveable. The participants identified how these innovations overcame challenges and how they might be adapted and applied elsewhere. Key lessons included:

  • The importance of being flexible
  • Embracing uncertainty
  • Creating platforms to link real and virtual exchange of knowledge and ideas
  • Being allowed to experiment and make mistakes
  • ‘Chunking’ change into manageable steps
  • Creating communities of 'praxis' – joining up theory and practice


These experiences offer useful insights into enabling a rare combination of people and events to flourish. The outcomes will further inform CPRE London’s Liveability Framework which will be used to examine the dimensions of liveability in a number of London’s neighbourhoods.

Presentations and the workshop report are available online here.

Further info:
