LGA Licensing Conference

Events - Public

Starting 04 Feb 2014 - 10:00 through to 04 Feb 2014 - 16:01

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Licensing regimes have a significant impact on a great many businesses and, applied appropriately, can give them the confidence and support to grow their businesses in a safe and responsible way, while also providing assurances to residents that they can influence the make-up of their area. However, dozens of licensing regimes have emerged over the past 100 years creating a complexity and inflexibility that is puzzling for businesses and frustrating to councils.

The publication of Rewiring Public Services has marked a new stage in the LGA's work to lead the debate on reforming public services so that they deliver the right services for businesses and residents, in an accessible way, and at an affordable cost. The LGA is calling for a rewiring of the current system to remove and update licensing regimes across at least five Whitehall departments. We also want to give licensing committees the power to respond to the views of local businesses and communities to remove rules that are irrelevant to their area or respond to new risks.

This conference will explore what these proposals might mean for licensing committees and licensing teams, offer you a chance to contribute to the developing vision, and hear from those councils that have already embarked on their own rewiring programmes. This strategic discussion will be supplemented by speakers and workshops covering key topics, from ‘local pricing initiatives' and ‘building the evidence base' to ‘reviewing our newest licensing scheme – scrap metal'.


Download the programme for this event (PDF, 2 pages, 51KB)

Who should attend?

  • chairs of licensing committees
  • members of licensing committees
  • heads of regulatory services
  • licensing officers
  • police officers with responsibility for licensing
  • alcohol charities.


Cost(ex VAT):

LGA members: £199.00
non members: £345.00

To book, please visit: http://www.local.gov.uk/events/-/journal_content/56/10180/5598387/EVENT
