Link Up – Creating the Foundations for Individual & Community-led Change

Events - Public

Starting 27 Jan 2016 - 10:30 through to 27 Jan 2016 - 11:30

Created by
David Morton - Inactive

Join us for a webinar on Jan 27, 2016 at 10:30 AM GMT.

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Link Up (funded by the Public Health, Safer Communities and Regeneration Divisions of the Scottish Government) has been operational since January 2012 and is currently a partnership between Inspiring Scotland and charities in nine communities across Scotland. The areas are geographic communities that are usually defined by the problems they face. However, the starting point for Link Up is the assets in the area and, in particular, the existing strengths of individuals, families and the community i.e. their experiences, skills, knowledge, interests and passion.

By exploring how the Link Up model and approach work, the impact it has had and what really matters in terms of delivering that impact; this short webinar provides a valuable insight in to one of Scotland’s largest and most successful assets-based community development programmes. It is a programme that has successfully delivered transformational change for many individuals (including re-engagement with employment; educational attainment and qualifications; reduced dependency on drugs and alcohol; re-engagement with support and decision-making structures) and increasingly, the wider community they live in. It’s still early days, but the learning from Link Up also offers clues as to how we might address the persistent poverty that blights many of Scotland’s most vulnerable communities.

The session will be led by Andrew Magowan, Inspiring Scotland’s Link Up Programme Manager.

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