Webinar: Kai-Sigma - North Ayrshire Council

Events - Public

Starting 01 Sep 2016 - 11:00 through to 01 Sep 2016 - 12:00

Created by
David Morton - Inactive

Speaker: Gavin MacGregor, Head of People and Transformation, North Ayrshire Council

Registration link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3295943709823276548

North Ayrshire Council wanted to use employee involvement, innovation and empowerment at the heart of a new, employee-led approach to change and to build cross-service, internal improvement capacity. A new internal lean improvement project was developed to accelerate service improvements and was branded ‘Kai-Sigma’. Kai’ means Japanese for “good change” and ‘Sigma’ to invest in our own staff with structured improvement techniques, and delivering at pace. The level of engagement, results and improvements achieved was described by an external expert as “the best he has ever seen, public or private sector” and this project won the Scottish Business Excellence Award as well as the Personnel Today Excellence in Public Sector HR Award in 2015.

