Reading CL Hack Your Box for a Sustainable Life

Events - Public

Starting 09 Nov 2020 - 10:00 through to 09 Nov 2020 - 12:00

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Hack Your Box for a Sustainable Life

What would it take… to live a more sustainable life? This is a big question and a very relevant one. But what does it mean? A mindset shift? A change of external factor? A change of internal factor? Something else? As Albert Einstein once said, “we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”. In this interactive workshop, you will embark on a journey of discovery where you will be invited to think outside of your box and take positive actions. You will be introduced to a few simple yet powerful mind hacks to adjust your thinking (and behaviors) about what sustainability means, how you can decrease your negative footprint, and more importantly, how to increase your positive handprint. In this 90 minute session you’ll:

❒ Spend 25% of the time in self-reflection. ❒ Spend 25% of the time in discussions. ❒ Create a physical model of your future thinking around sustainability. ❒ Identify simple next steps you will take to live a more sustainable life. ❒ Connect to and learn with people.

Book Here

Twitter:  @SophSeg


Reading Climate Festival is a week-long programme of free events to inspire action on climate change, curated by Reading Climate Action Network.

Twitter: @ReadingCAN

Facebook: @ReadingCAN

