Fast-paced project delivery in a changing world

Events - Public

Starting 21 Feb 2023 - 17:30 through to 21 Feb 2023 - 20:30

This event will explore the application of portfolio, programme and project management techniques within government procurement strategies. It will also give you an opportunity to build networks between different organisations delivery of substantial portfolios of investment in the local economy. 

The theme will be centred around 'mobilisation at pace' through looking at local projects that responded to the COVID pandemic such as the NHS vaccine programme and the HMRC furlough scheme. There will also be a third case study to be confirmed from the local authority, education or perhaps a charity/voluntary sector.

Some of the benefits of attending will be to see how rapid change programmes are implemented effectively and to learn lessons from the outcomes.

For further information and to book your place, please visit the APM websie.


Copthorne Hotel
The Close
Newcastle upon Tyne

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