Budgeting Skills For Money Guidance Practitioners [WALES NETWORK]

Events - Public

Starting 27 Feb 2023 - 11:00 through to 27 Feb 2023 - 12:30

The Money Guiders Wales Network is offering this session on Budgeting for Money Guidance Practitioners, delivered by Talia Loderick Coaching.

Budgeting Skills for Money Guidance Practitioners is a live, 90-minute online session, designed to help Money Guidance Practitioners help their clients take control of where their money is going - instead of feeling like it does a disappearing act.

About this event

Financial wellbeing is the sense of security and ease that comes with knowing you can pay your bills today, deal with the unexpected and that you’re on track for a healthy financial future.

Financial wellbeing matters because it’s hard to think clearly and make decisions that serve you when you’re living under a cloud of money worries. Except… we’re living through a cost-of-living crisis. And many people are feeling panicked.

Do you know what helps? Getting money off your mind by talking it through and taking action. This is where Money Guidance Practitioners excel at helping their clients. Please join us, as we go back-to-basics with a budgeting 101 session.

Budgeting Skills for Money Guidance Practitioners is a live, 90-minute online session, designed to help Money Guidance Practitioners help their clients take control of where their money is going - instead of feeling like it does a disappearing act.

This session will be delivered in English, with a presentation, interactive activities and discussion. Bilingual presentation slides will be made available after the session and sent to attendees.

Who is leading this session?

This session will be led by Talia Loderick, a Money Coach based in Cardiff. Talia offers one-to-one coaching designed to help people understand and take control of their behaviour with money so they can stop stressing about money and have enough to live well – now and in future. Talia also delivers financial wellbeing sessions for teams, organisations and groups of lovely people like the Money Guiders Wales Network. Visit: talialoderick.co.uk.

Who should attend?

Money Guidance Practitioners in Wales who are in a position to help members of the public with their budgeting skills. Money Guidance Practitioners in Wales working with members of the public who want to take control of where their money is going instead of feeling like it does a disappearing act. Attendees of this session could potentially be in roles such as Housing Support Worker, Family Support Worker, Food Bank Volunteer, Advice Worker, Mental Health Support etcetera.


What will be covered?

  • What a budget is and why it matters;
  • Common and popular budgeting tools;
  • How to budget - including tracking spending, categorising spending, and separating fixed, discretionary and occasional spending;
  • The importance of making a motivational budget - one that people want to stick to.

A budget, when done well, is a simple, practical and powerful tool that can help people move from where they are now to where they want to be. This session is designed to help Money Guidance Practitioners help their clients to bridge this gap.

Links to the Competency Framework

  • Budgeting technical domain Tiers 1 & 2


This session takes place on Zoom. The Zoom link and passcode will be provided after you’ve registered to attend the event. You do not need to sign up to Zoom to access this session – you simply click the Zoom meeting link and enter the passcode to join. Auto-generated subtitles will be available. If you have other accessibility requirements, please inform us when you register and we will do our best to meet them.

This session will be delivered in English.

Sgiliau Cyllidebu i Ymarferwyr Arweiniad Arian

Mae Rhwydwaith Arweinwyr Arian Cymru yn cynnig y sesiwn hon ar gyllidebu ar gyfer Ymarferwyr Arweiniad Arian, gan Talia Loderick Coaching. Bwriad y sesiwn hon yw cefnogi ymarferwyr arweiniad arian i helpu eu cleientiaid i gymryd rheolaeth dros ble mae eu harian yn mynd.

Y digwyddiad

Llesiant ariannol yw'r ymdeimlad o ddiogelwch a rhwyddineb sy'n dod gyda gwybod y gallwch chi dalu eich biliau chi heddiw, delio â'r annisgwyl a'ch bod ar y trywydd iawn ar gyfer dyfodol ariannol iach. Mae llesiant ariannol yn bwysig oherwydd mae'n anodd meddwl yn glir a gwneud penderfyniadau sy'n gweithio pan fyddwch chi'n byw o dan gwmwl o bryderon ariannol. Ond... rydyn ni'n byw trwy argyfwng costau byw. Ac mae llawer o bobl yn teimlo panig.

Wyddech chi beth sy'n helpu? Tynnu arian oddi ar eich meddwl trwy siarad amdano a thrwy weithredu. Dyma lle mae Ymarferwyr Arweiniad Arian yn wych drwy helpu eu cleientiaid. Ymunwch â ni, wrth i ni fynd drwy’r hanfodion gyda sesiwn gyllidebu 101. Mae Sgiliau Cyllidebu ar gyfer Ymarferwyr Arweiniad Arian yn sesiwn fyw, ar-lein, 90 munud o hyd, i helpu Ymarferwyr Arweiniad Arian i helpu eu cleientiaid i gymryd rheolaeth dros ble mae eu harian yn mynd - yn hytrach na theimlo fel ei fod yn diflannu.

Cyflwynir y sesiwn hon yn Saesneg, gyda chyflwyniad, gweithgareddau rhyngweithiol a thrafodaeth. Bydd sleidiau dwyieithog ar gael ar ôl y sesiwn a chânt eu hanfon at y mynychwyr.

Pwy ddylai ddod i’r sesiwn?

Ymarferwyr Arweiniad Arian yng Nghymru sydd mewn sefyllfa i helpu aelodau o'r cyhoedd gyda'u sgiliau cyllidebu. Ymarferwyr Arweiniad Arian yng Nghymru sy'n gweithio gydag aelodau o'r cyhoedd sydd am gymryd rheolaeth dros ble mae eu harian yn mynd yn lle teimlo fel ei fod yn diflannu. Gallai mynychwyr y sesiwn hon fod mewn rolau fel Gweithiwr Cymorth Tai, Gweithiwr Cymorth i Deuluoedd, Gwirfoddolwr yn y Banc Bwyd, Gweithiwr Cyngor, Cymorth Iechyd Meddwl ac yn y blaen.

Beth fydd yn cael sylw?

  • Beth yw cyllideb a pham mae'n bwysig;
  • Offer cyllidebu cyffredin a phoblogaidd;
  • Sut i gyllidebu - gan gynnwys olrhain gwariant, categoreiddio gwariant, a gwahanu gwariant sefydlog, dewisol ac achlysurol;
  • Pwysigrwydd gwneud cyllideb ysgogol - un y mae pobl am gadw ati.

Mae cyllideb, o'i gwneud yn dda, yn offeryn syml, ymarferol a phwerus sy'n gallu helpu pobl i symud o ble maen nhw nawr i'r man lle maen nhw eisiau bod. Bwriad y sesiwn yw helpu Ymarferwyr Arweiniad Arian i helpu eu cleientiaid i bontio'r bwlch yma.

Pwy sy'n arwain y sesiwn?

Bydd y sesiwn yn cael ei harwain gan Talia Loderick, Arweinydd Arian sydd wedi’i lleoli yng Nghaerdydd. Mae Talia yn cynnig hyfforddiant un-i-un sydd wedi'i gynllunio i helpu pobl i ddeall a chymryd rheolaeth dros eu hymddygiad gydag arian fel y gallant roi'r gorau i boeni am arian a chael digon i fyw'n dda - nawr ac yn y dyfodol. Mae Talia hefyd yn darparu sesiynau llesiant ariannol i dimau, sefydliadau a grwpiau o bobl hyfryd fel Rhwydwaith Arweinwyr Arian Cymru. Ewch i: talialoderick.co.uk.


Cynhelir y sesiwn hon ar Zoom. Bydd y ddolen Zoom a'r cod yn cael eu darparu ar ôl i chi gofrestru ar gyfer y digwyddiad. Does dim angen i chi gofrestru gyda Zoom i gael mynediad at y sesiwn – dim ond clicio ar y ddolen cyfarfod Zoom a nodi’r cod i ymuno. Bydd isdeitlau a gynhyrchir yn awtomatig ar gael. Os oes gennych ofynion hygyrchedd eraill, rhowch wybod i ni pan fyddwch chi’n cofrestru a byddwn yn gwneud ein gorau i'w bodloni.


Keep Up To Date With The Money Guiders Wales Network:


The Money Guiders Programme

Money Guiders is a programme run by MaPS, which seeks to help money guidance practitioners improve their knowledge, skills and confidence. Everything that the Money Guiders programme offers centres around the Money Guidance Competency Framework - it's there to help you better understand the full breadth and depth of money related issues that fall outside of the regulated financial advice service sector - the things you talk to your customers about.

Before attending the session, you could spend some time considering the challenges you face in your work, specifically when you provide help and guidance to your clients or service users around money issues.

  • How do you spot potential problems?

  • How can you start conversations about money in a sensitive way and at the appropriate time?

  • How do you maintain good boundaries in your role as a money guidance practitioner within your main area of work?


The Money Guiders Competency Framework

Click here to view the Money Guiders Competency Framework (English)

Click here to view the Money Guiders Competency Framework (Welsh)

Register for this event

To register your place at this event, use the button below. This will take you to a registration page outside the network.

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