B2B Collaborative Relationships

Events - Public

Starting 08 Nov 2023 - 18:30 through to 08 Nov 2023 - 21:00

In the complex ecosystem of contemporary business, it's become increasingly evident that the vitality of B2B relationships underpins the successful functioning of organisations. Despite recognising the importance of these key relationships, our studies reveal that a concerning 95% of leaders are failing to properly evaluate them. Consequently, resources are incorrectly distributed, with too much emphasis placed on rudimentary relationships, while those of greater significance are overlooked. This imbalance also results in missed opportunities for competitive leverage. Remarkably, government data suggests that a considerable portion of the 70% of projects that fail due to scheduling delays or budget overspends can be traced back to deteriorating relationships. This presentation aims to explore the complexities, challenges, and potential solutions surrounding the degradation of B2B relationships. One such solution is RelationShape, a tool specifically engineered to help businesses identify, evaluate, and optimise their key relationships, thereby channelling the inherent potential of B2B connections to drive transformation where it's most essential.

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Hilton Reading
Drake Way,

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