Entries with tag communities of practice .

wrote a new blog post
07 Jun 2021 - 12:45
A successful online group doesn’t just spring up out of nowhere. These active online groups are the result of a carefully thought out and tested process. What are those processes that can help your online group get off to a flying start, and keep it active and make it thrive? What do you want to achieve? You probably already have an idea of what kind of online group you want to... See more
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wrote a new blog post
28 Dec 2018 - 13:19
2018 has been another year of growth and consolidation for Knowledge Hub. We want to thank all our members for your contributions - knowledge sharing and collaboration only work when you participate. We hope everyone has had a chance for a bit of a break over Christmas and New Year and we wish you all a very happy, healthy and productive 2019. Find groups to join and get involved in... See more
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