
Always have the right people on the bus.

 It makes a great deal of sense to get recruitment right, to have those on board who are going to be an asset for the journey. Yet the majority of people on the bus got on when the destination was different and before the new driver took over. Some of them are disgruntled passengers. 

The restructuring interviews were a revelation most of the candidates had no recent job interview experience and many had not been through a formal interview process since originally joining the organisation many ,many years ago. As they had worked for the authority for many years they didn't see why we needed to interview them. Their resentment came across in their rambling answers. 

We gave detailed feedback to each of these internal candidates including how their presentation could be improved, explaining we were looking for communication skills not detailed knowledge and going through each question with them starting with what they said and then explaining what we though a good answer would have been. We emphasis the need to keep answers short and to the point. Some took the feedback well, pleased to have fuller than usual feedback that helped them see what was expected, others didn't appreciate the detail and just wanted to get the conversation over with. We explained that the posts were now to be advertised externally and that they could apply for them. The initially response was "what's the piont". To which our response was appointments would be made on the bases of interviews if they had leant from this experience and so felt they could do a better interview next time then it was very much worth their while. 

The next round of interviews confirmed that despite improving on their previous performance these internal candidates were still a considerable distance behind the external candidates. 

Peter was typical of this disaffected group, in his forties he had been a team leader,a trainer and a policy officer, lots of experience all in the same organisation, a reputation as clever but cynical and openly critical of senior management. He had  been redeployed before and had resigned himself to being forced to take another job he didn't want, probably for less pay. In total I interviewed him for five different posts over a three month period. Each time I sat down with him to provide detailed feedback. This was a considerable investment of my time. The first couple of times Peter listened politely but as his disappointment and frustration grew at yet another rejection, the meetings became more uncomfortable. We both stuck at it and the relationship changed we now knew a lot more about each other. I was in effect mentoring and coaching him. A new non operational post came up which required some one  who had a good insight into how services operated, was comfortable with statistics and had an eye for detail. I offered Peter the job working directly to me he accepted and we never looked back. We had found the right seat on the bus. 
Blair Mcpherson former director, blogger and author 



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