
Naked person on the bus

It’s apparently a surprisingly common occurrence for London Transport.

The unusual may not be a surprise even so there is a big difference between identifying the fridge thief and catching the employee who is defecating on the rear stair well. Personality conflicts are run of the mill but should not be mistaken for systematic bullying, racism or homophobia. Intimate   relationships at work are not uncommon but sex in the car park! Bring your dog to work is not the same as keeping your pet tarantula on your desk , even if it does get lonely. Coming into work late because you were up till the early hours watching the Super Bowl is not a legitimate excuse even if your next door neighbours are from Kansas. Asking for an additional two weeks holiday because it rained every day in Wales. Submitting a grievance against your manager for cutting back on over time when you have just had double glazing fitted. Failing to disclose a criminal conviction because it was a case of mistaken identity. Complaining that your manager won’t authorise your expenses claim for a speeding fine when they were the one who told you to get back to the office as quickly as possible. Stating in your defence against the allegation of verbal and physical abuse of a vulnerable client that no one had told you could not hit someone if they were being difficult. Claiming that the pornographic pictures you circulated on your office computer were not offensive because you only sent them to people like yourself who liked them. 


There may not be many reported incidents of streakers in your work place but there will be plenty of examples of bad, inappropriate, silly and thoughtless behaviour which you might be called upon  to deal with. 


Blair McPherson former director author and blogger 


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