Entries with tag appraisal .

wrote a new blog post
09 Nov 2021 - 11:58
These days everyone wants a good review. Tell us how well we have done. But if the feedback is less than glowing it may get an angry and hurt response. This is why cautious managers so often play safe with their feedback. To the detriment of employee development.    ” At some stage in your career you’ve got to face up to the fact of how good you are , and let’s face it Walter... See more
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wrote a new blog post
25 Apr 2021 - 05:50
All to often the first time the boss says how much they value your contribution and appreciate your commitment is at your leaving do! This seems consistent with a resent survey which found 80% of employees felt their manager did not give enough feedback. HR are familiar with the scenario where a manager wishes to terminate an employees employment due to an unsatisfactory probationary... See more
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