Entries with tag decision making .

wrote a new blog post
12 Jun 2023 - 10:31
The player identifies six options for action, one can be do nothing, rolls the dice and acts on the out come. The complete opposite of scientific fact based decision making that managers claim to use. Or is it?  The dice man has only six options including do nothing. But how many options do managers typically identify? Two ,three, four? In my experience the options get very quickly down... See more
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wrote a new blog post
10 Jan 2022 - 11:31
Once upon a time management was about managing budgets and people plus possibly but not necessarily buildings and equipment. Information management would be missed off many people’s lists. But now Big Data is the big thing. It’s advocates are evangelical in their enthusiasm for the benefits of bid data, not only does it tell us what we have done in forensic detail but if used... See more
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wrote a new blog post
11 Nov 2021 - 11:34
A week before her first A level,  arrangements for sitting the exam were changed by the school. Just a minor change. The start time was moved forward half an hour along side a reminder that all candidates must be seated 15 minutes before the exam was due to start. Late comers would not be allowed in. During the course of the next few days the start time was changed back, moved forward... See more
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wrote a new blog post
15 Mar 2021 - 07:14
The willingness to change your mind is a good quality in a leader as long as they don’t do it too often. Change it too often and you’re a nightmare to work for, never change it and you’re a disaster waiting to happen.    I would complain to my elder statesman colleague on the senior management team about the boss’s  failure to stick to his guns when mangers express doubts about a... See more
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wrote a new blog post
09 Apr 2018 - 08:18
To the manager who says I don’t need to explain my decisions . I say you do. When things don’t work out, targets are missed and decisions are questioned the manager needs to respond. Simply saying it’s my job to make the decisions and I take full responsibility is not enough.  Managers need to communicate their thinking not just their decisions. The team is more likely to accept the need... See more
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wrote a new blog post
12 Jul 2014 - 15:40
The relationship between meetings and effective management is unproven. So why are organisations so wedded to them and why despite our lack of enthusiasm do we continue to view them as necessary? It’s all about status. Who chairs, who attends, who speaks and who records is all about status. Why else would a manager ask who else is attending before deciding whether to commit if this wasn’t... See more
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Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries.