Entries with tag mba .

wrote a new blog post
01 Feb 2019 - 10:04
Austerity set Local Authorities a very big challenge how to get smaller without too much pain?    You can shrink people as in the film Downsizing , this solution turned out to have its problems your money goes further but if your income is reduced then low pay, poor housing, inadequate health care and discrimination remain.  You can shrink resources as in the Monty Python... See more
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wrote a new blog post
22 Apr 2016 - 14:24
  Under the banner of " all managers to be leaders" a management development programme was commissioned around executive coaching, mentoring and management learning sets. What was unique about this was that it was systematic, it was to involve all managers ( and latterly people who aspired to be managers) it was deliver throughout  in partnership with two management consultants over... See more
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wrote a new blog post
28 Apr 2015 - 09:05
It isn't fair to expect people applying for senior management posts to have an MBA yet refuse to fund any of your own employees to obtain the qualification. It isn't fair but it is the reality in Local Government and I suspect most of the public sector. MBAs are incredibly expensive ( to those of us who come from a different era) and budget cuts mean training budgets have been slashed, smashed... See more
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