Entries with tag quiet quitting .

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09 Mar 2023 - 13:34
In China the Government has cracked down on feminism. Words relating to feminism online are censured. The response by bloggers has been to replace the words with rhyming slang, so feminist becomes, “ women’s fist”.  So what would a subversive social media posting critical of an organisations leadership read like using rhyming slang?  More about knitting  Senior management have... See more
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04 Sep 2023 - 08:27
White Lotus and Succession  are examples of hate t.v.That is a successful T.V. series in which non of the characters are attractive or deserving of our sympathy. They are rich or are living the life style but they appear to have few redeeming qualities. They deserve what’s happening or about to happen to them. They are either devious with a hidden agenda or weak , deluded and... See more
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