Entries with tag staff engagement .

wrote a new blog post
29 Apr 2016 - 08:50
  Leaders give permission to say the wrong thing, open out as opposed to close down discussion and are prepared to manage the emotions stirred up. Leaders put the same emphasise on values as budgets and performance (and are prepared to be challenged where these appear to be in conflict for example staffing levels and budget cuts). Leaders creat opportunities for direct face to face... See more
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wrote a new blog post
01 Jul 2015 - 11:19
The muddling through model of management has a more negative sound than its popularity would indicate. It's proponents tend to refer to this way of managing as common sense, pragmatic management or the "lets not get carried away here and keep it simple", alternatively the approach is described as a quick fix.  The method is to respond to all problems without any deep thought or to use the... See more
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wrote a new blog post
20 Mar 2015 - 11:39
Three Judges are dismissed and one resigns caught viewing pornography on their work lap top.   Does the social media enable staff to share knowledge and experience or share sexists cartoons and racist jokes? The internet opened up a world of information, and  easier access to pornography. Facebook and Twitter allows fiends to share photos and the minutiae of their day, and... See more
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