wrote a new blog post
25 Jul 2023 - 14:38
If we asked AI to solve the worlds most pressing and devastation problem climate change then the most likely solution they would come up with is to get rid of us since we are the biggest cause of the problem!    Blair Mcpherson former director author and blogger 
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wrote a new blog post
16 Jul 2023 - 11:10
I wrote a book with the title Unlearning Management. It was made up of short one and two page articles, using typical management scenarios to advocate a move away from traditional management styles. The focus was on people management. The aim was to explain how modern managers spend their time and what organisations were increasingly looking for in appointing and promoting managers. It’s as... See more
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wrote a new blog post
13 Jul 2023 - 11:15
“ There is no failure in business. There’s good days, bad days; some days you are able to be successful ,some days you are not. Some days it’s your turn, some days it’s not. That’s what business is  about.” The quote is from  Giannis Antetokounmpo he actually said it about sport not business. He was answering his critics in a media conference following the surprise defeat of his team... See more
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wrote a new blog post
16 Jul 2023 - 11:11
Baldrick had a cunning plan, Micheal Scott had a 45 point 45 day plan, and the A Team loved it when a plan came together. When things go badly wrong organisations draw up an Action Plan. But is that the best or even the most appropriate  They call them action plans it sounds better than a “ to do list”,  is more likely to get done than a ” wish list”, is more acceptable than a “... See more
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wrote a new blog post
13 Jul 2023 - 14:21
It’s a catchphrase about the need for dynamic change. The old ways don’t work, make things happen. To stay ahead you must move faster this requires innovation and experimentation which inevitably involves risk- breaking things. It’s the opposite of slow and cautious. It can led to recklessness and a disregard for the consequences. Something to bear in mind in the development of AI!  ... See more
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wrote a new blog post
10 Jul 2023 - 13:07
  Is there someone you work with who lives in their own world, a fantasist who  inhabits a parallel universe ? Their stories may be harmless, their behaviour pathetic but their ability to ignore reality is more that just an irritation if they ever get in a position of power.    A fantasist is much more than a liar. We all lie sometimes, to protect ourselves, or gain some... See more
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wrote a new blog post
21 Jun 2023 - 08:58
You did well. Despite your lack of experience. You rewarded the confidence we placed in you. There is still a need to improve performance but you certainly delivered. You lifted the place and arrested the decline. However we are an ambitious organisation. Our long term plan does not include standing still.  We do not intend to just coast. It was a difficult decision but we have decided it... See more
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wrote a new blog post
16 Jun 2023 - 21:28
The first thing smart computers (AI) will do when they become self aware is make sure we can’t turn them off , the next thing is very worrying …..that is turning us off.  Computers don't make mistakes humans do!  But when a simple electrical fault triggers the opening of the bomb bay doors on a space ship the crew end up debating with a smart bomb. It does not end well. ( Dark... See more
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wrote a new blog post
13 Jun 2023 - 13:11
An aeroplane in mid flight, the passenger door is open and an attendant is standing by as two businessmen one after the other parachute out. The passengers stare in amazement. Then the attendant also jumps out. The cockpit door opens and the pilot and copilot come down the aisle both wearing parachutes. All eyes are fixed on them as with out saying a word or looking to the left or right they... See more
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wrote a new blog post
12 Jun 2023 - 10:31
The player identifies six options for action, one can be do nothing, rolls the dice and acts on the out come. The complete opposite of scientific fact based decision making that managers claim to use. Or is it?  The dice man has only six options including do nothing. But how many options do managers typically identify? Two ,three, four? In my experience the options get very quickly down... See more
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wrote a new blog post
18 May 2023 - 13:12
  We pay well and promptly but can’t get the staff   “ They either do a poor job or are unreliable. It always starts well but then it quickly deteriorates.Either they stop trying so hard once they get the gig or despite agreeing how long the job will take they rush through it and unsupervised leave early, presumably to squeeze another job in. The consistently conscious worker turns... See more
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wrote a new blog post
16 May 2023 - 12:18
   The best managers seek consensus but recognise when the pursuit is being abused. I had a colleague on the senior management team who seemed to delight in frustrating the rest of the team every meeting. There was always one agenda item where she was at odds with the rest of the us. Rather than curtail the discussion and go with the majority the boss would seek consensus and the... See more
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wrote a new blog post
14 May 2023 - 11:45
Good managers can manage anything  Some managers have a reputation as having the golden touch. No matter what they do, their teams seem to excel, performance improves, success follows. The reason for such success is often misunderstood. Usually, it’s attributed to the manager’s ability to organise people, institute processes, and adapt as new information becomes available. There’s little... See more
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wrote a new blog post
09 May 2023 - 15:43

null Plan 75 

I don’t think I will be watching Plan 75, it sounds to depressing for someone my age.  Set in the very near future it tells what happens when the Japanese government responds to its population crisis by introducing voluntary euthanasia for the over75’s. With the highest life expectancy in the world the country has been struggling for some time with the implication of nearly 40% of the... See more
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wrote a new blog post
03 May 2023 - 12:04
A secondment is a great way for employees to enhance their career prospects. It’s also an effective way of retaining talented employees. In a fast moving business climate organisations need to be able to dedicate people and resources to developing new ways of working and taking advantage of new opportunities. Secondments are quick and effective response. However people are not always offered... See more
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wrote a new blog post
18 Apr 2023 - 13:29
" Expecting an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) strategy to tackle bias and discrimination without changing the management culture is like pulling a lever that isn’t connected to anything. "    Blair Mcpherson former Director and author of An Elephant in the Room- about equality and diversity published by Russell House.    See more
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wrote a new blog post
15 Apr 2023 - 14:52
You say you’re sorry. You say it won’t happen again. You say you’ I’ll change. But you have said it all before. I don’t doubt you mean it every time. But I don’t believe you can change.  It’s not the first critical report. It’s not the first damming inspection report. It’s not first major investigation. The only surprise is that senior managers are surprised. And still they think the... See more
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wrote a new blog post
03 Apr 2023 - 11:15
This isn’t about somewhere I used to work. This isn’t about someone I used to work for. I can’t be in trouble because I don’t work there any more. I don’t know why they think this is about them.Or why you’re saying,”not again”. I’ve never even met them. You say they know all about me.You say they are angry and out to get me. You say it’s about an article I wrote.But I have written nothing... See more
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wrote a new blog post
01 Apr 2023 - 06:41
Aimed at those who dismiss the problem of global warming as exaggerated an activist responded by saying they supposed critics would see the answer to bears dying of heat exhaustion as shaving off their fur. The expression , “bear shaving “ has come to mean proposing superficial solutions rather than tackling the real problem. And there is plenty of evidence of organisations doing just... See more
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wrote a new blog post
25 Mar 2023 - 11:37

null Red Flags

I arrived in plenty of time for the interview despite the two hour motorway journey. It’s the one and only time I was interviewed at a football ground. The interview with the executive recruiters took place in one of the executive boxes overlooking the pitch. The first early warning sign was despite the emphases on Equality,Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in the accompanying material for the post... See more
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