Entries with tag gender .

wrote a new blog post
08 Aug 2019 - 15:16
It turns out that diversity isn’t a good thing if everyone is different but the same. The gender balance and racial  mix (and cross section of sexuality) may shout diversity but if every single person thinks the same way, believes the same things has almost identical backgrounds. There is no challenge , no alternative way of looking at it, no different view just reinforcing what... See more
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wrote a new blog post
05 Apr 2017 - 10:14
  Hull university has apparently issued guidance to students on the use of gender neutral language informing them that they they risk their work being down graded if they fail to adopt this approach. I was surprised students needed to be told. I would have though that long before arriving at university they would have appreciated the importance of language, that they would have noted... See more
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wrote a new blog post
12 Nov 2015 - 16:17
  Turn self doubt into self awareness and get the promotion your abilities merit  Highly successful people in the public sector come across as confident and not suffering self doubt. Whilst it is true that there are those who are over confident, have an exaggerated belief in their own abilities and have very little insight into their own behave there are just as many who are good at... See more
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wrote a new blog post
12 Jul 2014 - 15:39
  Women in senior management are more likely than men to be sacked or forced out. The frequency with which this happens has been recognised by a new corporate phrase "pushed off the glass cliff".  Researchers at the global management company Strategy& found that women are forced out of chief executive positions more than a third of the time , while only a quarter of men in a... See more
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wrote a new blog post
20 Jan 2015 - 13:29
Equal opportunity monitoring.   Most organisations don’t know how many disabled people they employ, how many gay people work for them or which faiths make up the staff group. All they do know with any degree of certainty is the age and gender profile of their organisation plus may be some information on ethnicity. The reason for this is that staff have proved very reluctant to... See more
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