
A picture is worth a thousand words

Identity: Colourful icons help identify people and groups more easily

If you’ve ever searched for people to connect with or groups to join on Knowledge Hub, you’ll have noticed that there are rather a lot of grey profile images for individuals and the same green ‘k’ icons on groups. These will soon be a thing of the past as your new Knowledge Hub will be full of colour and vibrancy...

A community of trust
Research from online communities suggests that members with a completed profile and photo are more likely to gain trust from fellow members, as well as having a more engaging profile. We know that the most successful communities on Knowledge Hub are founded on trust and solid relationships between members. Adding your profile photo can really improve this, as you create a sense of trust as you’re really interacting with another person and not just a grey icon. Plus, it’s always great to put a face to a name!
Profile image exampleAlthough we’ve always tried to encourage Knowledge Hub members to add profile photos, we realise this has not always been easy to do. The new in-line profile editor will make it a whole lot simpler for you to add your photo or image.

What if I don’t want to add a photo?
We do understand that not everyone is happy about adding a photo. Where members have chosen to not include a profile photo, we will be introducing profile logos that will display your initials with a random colour background. This means no more boring, grey icons and a much brighter, more colourful Knowledge Hub.

Group logo exampleDeveloping your group identity
One of the tips we offer new group facilitators is that they add an image or logo to their group to distinguish it and make it stand out from the crowd. Adding a group image helps you build your group identity in Knowledge Hub and enables potential members to recognise the group quickly, so they can join. It also helps to create a welcoming environment for members and the feeling like they belong to something meaningful.

With this in mind, we will be making it easier to identify groups that have no logo in the new Knowledge Hub by employing the same method as described for individual member profiles above.

We’re looking forward to a bright and shiny new Knowledge Hub.

Look out for our next blog for more sneak previews and news on what’s changing on Knowledge Hub this year.

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I like the idea of initials of people where there is no photo, nicer than a shadow image. However it is really helpful when people have some details in their profile so you can give the right information to them. Will be waiting for next blog and sneak preview..... Thank you for all the blog updates they are really useful in what must be a very busy time! Best wishes Alex