
New Knowledge Hub features

The eagle-eyed among you will spot that we made a few changes to Knowledge Hub last night and added some new features. Here are the highlights:

Suggested groups

On the right hand side of your homepage you’ll see a list of suggested groups you might like to join.

Suggested groups.png


Group search

When you’re in one of your groups, you can now search all the content of that one group in one go. Select the global search at the top right of the page and you’ll see that you can search either the group you’re currently in, or continue with a global search of everything.

Search group.PNG


Profile completeness

How much of your profile have you completed? Well, now you can find out. You’ll now see a percentage displayed on your profile (only for you) to show you how much of your profile you still need to complete. The percentage is based on key elements of your profile including job title, organisation, profile photo, biographical details, skills and interests.

Having a complete profile can really help you feel the benefits of Knowledge Hub. It can help relevant colleagues find you and you can connect with them too. The more you connect with colleagues and other members, the more of KHub's rich content you'll discover.

profile completeness.png


Download events to your calendar

No more having to copy over event details into your personal calendar. You’ll now see this handy ‘add event to calendar’ option on all events.



Find the most active and newest groups

You can now see the newest groups, or the most active groups over the last 30 days, by filtering the group search. Go to groups on the top navigation and then all groups.

Most active.PNG


Subscribe to bloggers post

There are some great blogs and bloggers on the Knowledge Hub. You can now subscribe to a member’s blog and receive a notification as soon as a new post has been created. Visit a member’s blog page and select ‘subscribe’.


We hope you like these new features. And if you’re a group facilitator, there’s a bit more to come, so keep an eye on your new reports page, as you’ll soon find some helpful reports to support you in looking after your group.



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1 Comment

Group suggestions a great addition!
