
Rise to the Local Government Challenge 2014!

Now in its fifth year, the Local Government Challenge is a high profile national competition for aspiring top managers in local government.

The search is on for ten contestants to take part in a series of tough, real life challenges in councils across the country, culminating in the final at the prestigious LGA Annual Conference in Bournemouth. Filmed every step of the way, the LG Challenge 2014 offers a fantastic opportunity to raise your profile across the sector and gain experiences of the many service challenges that face Chief Executives on a daily basis.  All we ask for at this stage is some information about you and what you would bring to the competition.

We have no pre-conceived ideas of what the ideal contestant looks like – but you must be ambitious, high performing and committed to the public sector. Contestants will have the chance to work on 5 challenges in different types of councils and across different service areas. Great experience for your future career in the sector.

Check out the films of this year’s challenges for an idea of the type of issues that our contestants tackled and if that whets your appetite – follow the link through to the application form.

Who knows – you may end up winning the £10,000 Bruce Lockhart scholarship!

2013 Winner

Lana Fisher of Leeds City Council was announced the winner of the LG Challenge for 2013 at the LGA Annual Conference in Manchester.

Lana was one of 10 contestants that completed challenges set by Bournemouth Borough Council, Rushcliffe Borough Council, Breckland District Council, The London Fire Brigade and Northampton Borough Council. Three finalists were shortlisted and allocated a stand each at the LGA Conference.

Their task - to sell to conference delegates their proposals for the £10,000 Bruce-Lockhart scholarship. Lana’s ambitious project on Corporate Social Responsibility was eventually judged to offer the greatest benefits to both Lana personally, to Leeds City Council and the Local Government Sector generally. 

Further information about Lana's Local Government Challenge 2013


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