
Your notifications - your choice

Knowledge Hub Notifications - your choice image

Are you suffering from information overload? Is your email inbox always full? Are you fed up of sifting through all the email noise to get to the good stuff?

Sound familiar? Well, fret no longer, the new-look Knowledge Hub is here to help...

You told us, “We get too many email notifications from the Knowledge Hub.”

Based on this feedback, we are working hard to deliver much more flexibility and choice in the way you receive notifications in the future as part of the new version of Knowledge Hub coming soon in 2017.

You will be able to mix and match your notifications so you receive some directly to your email inbox and others within the Knowledge Hub (‘in-platform’ notifications). You’ll have more flexibility as to which elements of the Knowledge Hub you’d like to see notifications about, for example, you might wish to be notified by email every time a document is added to a particular folder in a group. Or you might wish to see an in-platform notification every time one of your connections posts a blog. The important thing is - it will be your choice what you see, where you see it and when.

New notification settings

In addition to your regular notifications about group activity, you’ll be able to choose from a range of email or in-platform notifications across your networks, groups and connections. You’ll simply be able to select ‘email’ or ‘website’ to determine where you’d like to see each notification.
Notification bell icon
If you choose to see some of your notifications within Knowledge Hub, it couldn’t be easier to spot them, as there will be a new bell icon that will highlight when you have in-platform notifications and how many, so you can get to them quickly as soon as you log in.

We believe this new level of flexibility in your notifications will improve your experience of using Knowledge Hub and help you manage your inbox and your notifications in a way that works better for you.

Look out for our next blog for more sneak previews and news on what’s changing on Knowledge Hub in 2017.

If you missed it, read our previous blog on the new look and feel for Knowledge Hub.


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Sounds like a great update, looking forward to see the changes. Thanks Alex
Excellent! Any idea when this will take place? Thanks Melissa
Hi Melissa, we're firming up go-live plans in the next few days and we’ll be posting more information as soon as we can. Thanks.
As you go live, I encourage KHub to default key notifications ON for all and at least for new members. "Key" might be a new site-wide daily or weekly update and not everything. Some people may say they want fewer notifications, but it is notable that they were engaged by notifications to give you feedback. Giving people choices for micro notifications is great, but if most people get no notifications by default you will lose their engagement.