Entries with tag facilitator .

wrote a new blog post
23 Jan 2017 - 09:43
Today is Community Manager Appreciation Day. A day that recognises and celebrates the efforts of community managers/facilitators. So have you said thank you to them for all the effort they put in to keep your group relevant, interesting and active? What do they actually do?   This is a question that gets asked a lot. If you facilitate a Community of Practice, you know that it can be... See more
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wrote a new blog post
08 Dec 2014 - 16:27
Knowledge Hub groups usually have a number of facilitators who are responsible for a range of activities to help support and manage them. Most take on the facilitation role voluntarily and tend to be the people who first discover the need for the group. They take charge of getting the group up and running, inviting people to join, populating it with thought-provoking content and generally... See more
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