Entries with tag regeneration .

wrote a new blog post
10 Jun 2016 - 08:08
How privileged we were at Digital Leaders North West last week to welcome our nominated Digital Leaders Local Champion of the year for the region, Dave Carter, Honorary Research Fellow at Manchester University, MadLab Chair and formerly of the Manchester Digital Development Agency. Liz Copeland of Knowledge Hub tells us more... Dave came to speak to us about building digital DNA in the region... See more
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wrote a new blog post
15 Jan 2015 - 18:08
Communities look set to benefit from a record number of office and industrial premises being built by developers in Enterprise Zones. Our feature writer, Suzanne Danon, explores the recent Government announcement... Communities Secretary Eric Pickles said this upsurge in construction, which would bring a “big boost” to communities, was down to the improved economy and increased level of... See more
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