
It’s not Blue Monday, it’s Happy Monday

Apparently today is Blue Monday… the most depressing day of the year. Well, I beg to differ… I’ve been checking out what’s happening around Knowledge Hub today and what struck me was how many people have happy, smiley profile pictures.

We seem to be generally positive people us KHub knowledge sharers and it’s really nice when you are talking with someone in a forum, or commenting on a blog, to see the person you’re talking to – just as you would in a real conversation. It makes you feel at ease – and a bit more like you’re talking to a person, not a machine.

So, if you haven’t added your profile pic yet, why not make it your new year’s resolution to do it? (Apparently most of us have already given up our new year’s resolutions by 17th January anyway, so here’s a chance to redeem yourself!)

It’s not tricky to add a profile photo, simply go to your name (top right) and click ‘edit profile’ (check out the help section if you need additional guidance). If you’ve not got a photo to hand, maybe you could take a ‘selfie’ with your phone and email it to yourself. Or if you don’t have a smart phone, ask a colleague who does to take a picture for you and email it to you.

I’m looking forward to seeing more smiley faces looking out at me from Knowledge Hub in future. Happy Monday everyone!


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What - my ugly mug? No...very positive post, but the "Blue Monday" link can be proven in communities outside of Knowledge Hub. Alas the balance of bad news to good is symptomatic of what actually seems to happen post Christmas. A challenge to Knowledge Hub members seems appropriate...if the world is glum and forlorn... bring a chum onboard!