Entries with tag social .

wrote a new blog post
10 Jul 2015 - 15:56
Yesterday saw me battling my way across London despite the tube strike, to head up to Birmingham for CommsCamp15. It was well worth the effort, as I found myself inspired and enthused by the conversations. Congratulations to Dan Slee, Darren Caveney and Emma Rodgers and all the other supporters for a really well organised day. It’s hard to pick out key highlights of the day – aside from the... See more
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wrote a new blog post
12 Jul 2014 - 12:56
As a keen baker, I found myself enthralled by the most recent series of the Great British Bake-off. In case you’ve never seen it, it’s an amateur baking competition judged by the great Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood. Between them, they munch their way through a whole load of wonderful looking bakes by people who profess to be amateurs, but by all accounts could be professionals. My baking... See more
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