
Happy #CMAD for Monday

Community facilitators on the Knowledge Hub have always been our unsung heroes.

Monday the 22nd January marks Community Manager Appreciation Day otherwise known as #CMAD on twitter and we wanted to thank all the hard-working community facilitators.  We know it’s not an easy job and the work and effort you put into to make your group successful should be applauded

Whether it’s bringing in the next big thing, finding the missing piece of the puzzle, racing against time, or connecting people, we understand that this role requires you to wear many different hats and bring them all in together. Thank you for making it appear so easy.

Odds are that as a Community facilitator, if your hard work is going unnoticed, then you’re doing a good job. Community members may not realise that the Community facilitator is the ones who toils over what to generate/share, encourage discussions, answers questions and that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

I have in the past compiled a list of Community facilitator duties but I’m not going to share that here as you would get bored scrolling through pages and pages and you could be here for a while.


But as a thank you to all those facilitators on the Knowledge Hub we are hosting four webinars between Monday and Thursday next week to share the learning from different facilitators.

Monday 22nd Jan at 11am - Nancy Kinder who is a community consultant and has worked with organisations such as Cadbury/Kraft, European Central Banka and the World Bank will be running a session on "Building Community Engagement" What to focus on when you have little time (Book Now spaces going fast)

Tuesday 23rd Jan at 11am - Glyn Barritt from the Schools, Students and Teachers Network on Knowledge Hub will talk about How SSAT use KHub groups to support programmes of professional development (Only available to members of the Online Facilitators Community)

Wednesday 24th Jan at 11:30 Alex, Juliet and Sadie will be sharing how they run various types of group, such as long-term, ongoing groups that relate to themes or groups for short, time-limited projects in What makes the LGA KHub Groups Tick? (Available to all members of the Knowledge Hub)

Thursday 25th Jan at 2:30pm Barry Spruce and Claire Dellar from the Health Project Delivery Community talk openly about the practicalities of setting up and maintaining an online community aimed at converging working practices across multiple government departments and agencies in Knowledge Sharing: lessons learned from setting up an online community (Khub Link) (Public Link)


I hope you can join us.


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