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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - This week


REBECCA STADDON, modified 5 Years ago.


Advocate Posts: 103 Join Date: 05/09/13 Recent Posts

Hi All,

I have a situation where an applicant has built a 3 bedroomed annex in their rear garden without permission. The annex has living space, 3 bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. This has been brought to the attention of Planning Enforcement who have ensured an application for retrospective permission has been submitted and approved. The annex is 80+ square metres in size.

As the approval is retrospective the applicant is unable to submit a claim for annex relief from CIL and I therefore believe that the CIL for the annex is payable in full as the 100sqm rule applies only to extensions.

As this is not a situation that has arisen here before and the CIL will be quite substantial I would be  interested to hear whether others would be administering CIL in the same way in this situation.

Many Thanks
