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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - May

Consultation on Listed Building Consent order for Canal and River Trust

Robin Page, modified 5 Years ago.

Consultation on Listed Building Consent order for Canal and River Trust

New Member Posts: 22 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent Posts

Planners on this forum may be interested in this consultation. The Government has published the consultation on the first Listed Building Consent Order, which would, if approved by Parliament, grant listed building consent for certain repetitive works of alteration to listed locks and bridges in England looked after by the Canal & River Trust (CRT). It will mean that CRT would lose the unnecessary burden of having to make separate listed building consent applications, and local planning authorities having to determine them, for this type of work. This consultation, which is in two parts, can be found in the current planning reform consultation at:

(the draft Order) and at (draft Conservation Management Methodology and Principles). It is also highlighted on the CRT website - The consultations close on 14 January 2019.